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COVID-19 true or false: Test your knowledge
April 07, 2020
COVID-19 true or false: Test your knowledge

    Check your COVID-19 knowledge with this true/false quiz.

    There is a lot of information swirling around about COVID-19 and the novel coronavirus that causes it. The catch is that not all of it is accurate.

    True or False: Someone could feel perfectly healthy and still have COVID-19.

    True: Some people develop fever, cough and/or difficulty breathing, while others may show no symptoms at all. It is important to note that you can still be contagious, even without symptoms.

    Mon and child sanitizing for covid safetyTrue or False: The virus that causes COVID-19 spreads primarily through respiratory droplets.

    True: Respiratory droplets produced when someone coughs or sneezes can reach the mouths or noses of people nearby. These droplets can also land on surfaces. The virus can then be transferred if someone comes in contact with the surface and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth. The CDC offers more information about how coronavirus spreads as well.

    True or False: Antibiotics can prevent and treat COVID-19.

    False: COVID-19 is caused by a virus and antibiotics do not work against viruses. There are multiple studies underway to look for a specific medicine to help treat the virus.  

    True or False: I should go to the emergency room for a test to make sure I don’t have COVID-19.

    False: There are not enough resources to test everyone for COVID-19. If you are experiencing symptoms, such as dry cough, fever or difficulty breathing, call your primary care doctor so they can help you determine the next best step.

    True or False: Most people who get COVID-19 need to go to the hospital.

    False: Most cases of COVID-19 are relatively mild and people can rest and recover at home, while staying away from other people to prevent the spread. In more severe cases, people may need care in the hospital.

    True or False: You can carry the virus for 14 days before showing any symptoms.

    True: The incubation period is 1-14 days, so it’s possible someone who was exposed two weeks ago would just now be showing symptoms. Other people have it and never show symptoms. This is partly why social distancing is so important. We don’t know for sure who has been exposed and the more interactions we have with others, the more opportunities exist for further exposure and spread.

    True or False: I should wear a mask to protect from getting COVID-19.

    False: Masks don’t necessarily help to protect you from getting the virus, but they can be beneficial when worn by people who are sick (even without showing symptoms) to help prevent the spread of germs. Since you may not know you are carrying the virus, the CDC now recommends wearing cloth face coverings over the nose and mouth in public, particularly when social distancing can be difficult (such when going to the grocery store). Learn more about why and how to make a cloth mask.

    True or False: The virus that causes COVID-19 can live on surfaces up to several days.

    True, we think: Like many aspects of this novel coronavirus, we are not certain exactly how long it survives on surfaces. It can also vary from one type of surface to another, based on the temperature of the environment, etc. Studies suggest that it is similar to other coronaviruses, which can persist on surfaces for a few hours up to several days. Regular cleaning is very important to help prevent the spread.

     True or False: COVID-19 does not affect kids.

    False: It is true that older adults tend to have more severe symptoms and seem to be at risk for greater complications, but children CAN get it. It is key for everyone to take part in infection prevention measures, especially frequent and thorough handwashing along with social distancing.

    True or False: It's OK for my neighborhood friends to come play in my yard as long as we stay 6 feet apart. 

    False: The Governor has issued a stay at home order. It's OK to play with your parents and immediate family members who live in your home, but it's our job as kids and adults to do everything we can to prevent the spread of the illness. We know it's hard and that everyone misses their friends! Opt for a FaceTime play date or play a video game together online. 

    True or False: Ibuprofen can make COVID-19 worse.

    False: There have been some news reports suggesting that ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can worsen the symptoms of COVID-19. There is no scientific data to support this. People with certain pre-existing conditions may have adverse reactions to ibuprofen, so the best course of action is to consult with your doctor for personalized recommendations.

    How did you do? Do you have more questions about COVID-19?

    Check out our coronavirus resources page for information and helpful videos.

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